Monday, May 26, 2014

Thank You

To all who have served our country. 
Thank You.


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Reason 92

Why I Love Farming Reason # 92

My kids know what their parents, grandparents, and a lot of neighbors and friends do for a living. 



Thursday, May 22, 2014

Day 9 of Planting

Today, I had to run Joe out to the field to start planting corn.  I jumped in the tractor and  rode a whole 100 yards with him.  It's been a long time - probably BC - before children - since that has happened.

Sometimes you just have to sit and tell Mom how it is.
The previous 8 days of planting this spring are chronicled on our FaceBook page - 2 Farmers & Their 3 Sprouts.