This is my weigh wagon.
Another tool I use to do a yield check is a portable moisture tester. This measures the moisture and test weight of the crop. The moisture percentage of the grain being harvested determines how it will be handled and dried. Typically corn is harvested between 18% and 30% moisture. Some years the corn is wetter and some years the corn is drier. Towards the end of this fall harvest there was some corn coming out of the field at 16%. This is great for the farmer as few dollars will be spent on energy to dry the crop. Our corn goes into our bins at 16%.
As farm equipment gets largers our costomers comment that the hardest part of a yield check is getting the combine auger lined up to dump corn into the little weighwagon. |
Once I have the weight, moisture and area I enter the information into a couple of mathematical equations and come up with the yield in bushesls per acre. It was a fun fall to run the weigh wagon because the yields in our area were excellent. The corn yield checks ran from 190 bushels/acre to 275 bushels/acre. The soybeans were great as well ranging from 62 bushels/acre to 84 bushels/acre.
I consider the farmer to the original over achiever. The yield checks we do help farmers determine if management practices worked for them or if they may want to change something next year. Farmers often put in test plots or experiments in their fields to determine for themselves if something needs to be changed. Maybe I should say farmers are the original scientist. We do yields checks or test plots to determine the effects of planting date, planting seed populations, fertilizer applications and rates, various seed treatments such as fungicides, tillage practices even planting depth of the seeds. The sky is the limit as far as to what a farmer may experiment with!
Once I have the yield data I input this into our Pioneer computer along with the GPS coordinates and field history for the yield check plot locations. If you go to you can enter a ZIP Code into the yield map locations and bring up yield checks and plot results for most of the US. It's a great web site to learn about crops in the US if you are interested. Have Fun!