It's that time of year once again when the boys need to make room for their 4H broiler chicken fair projects. That means the old layers get booted out of their coop so the new layers can move in and the baby broilers have their own coop when they arrive. What it comes down to is that we do not have enough suitable buildings for all of our fine feathered friends. So, sons #1 and #2 need to find new homes for their lovely, feathered ladies to the dismay of their egg customers. It is ashame as the hens are just over a year old and in their prime egg laying stage.
But, never fear! Number 1 did some wheeling and dealing with a friend of his to take a few as well as neighbors of ours decided it's time for their kids to take on a little more responsibility. So, Sunday afternoon the last 21 chickens took a short trip down the road.
I believe these three are wondering what
their parents got them into this time. |
#1 giving a lecture on the color of chickens ears. Did you
know that you can determine the color of the egg a chicken
will lay by looking at it's ears? A chicken with brown ears lays
brown eggs and a chicken with white ears lays white eggs. |
As you can see these chickens are on the tame side.
The ladies checking out their new digs.
This picture has nothing to do with the chickens
but I thought the lush green pasture and the red barn
looked nice.
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