On Saturday morning, the Iowa CommonGround ladies setup our booth at the Hy-Vee in West DesMoines, with the intentions of meeting urban consumers and putting a face to the term "farmer". I think we had success. We were right inside the main entrance of Hy-Vee so shoppers had to either talk to us or walk around us and avoid eye contact :-). Most of the shoppers were very receptive to us being there. I received a variety of questions such as - Why do you only grow corn and soybeans? Why don't you grow carrots stringbeans, or peas? Answer: We are very fortunate to live in Iowa, where we have the best soils in the world to grow corn and soybeans. There are very few places in the world where corn and beans can be grown with such consistancy as in Iowa. So on my farm we grow what we grow well. If there was a market for peas or carrots close to where we farm I would consider growing those crops. Approximately 65% of the corn we produce goes into livestock feed and balance goes to a couple of ethanol plants close to our farm. So it is an agronomic and economic decision to grow corn and soybeans. Question: How old are you? You don't look old enough to be a farmer. Answer: Can I give you a hug? That is the nicest thing anyone has said to me today!
Today, the carpenters are sanding down the drywall taping! Priming tomorrow and painting on Wednesday - we hope. Is the end in sight for this house remodel? No. But I do love progress!
CommonGround ladies Sara, Jill and Yours Truly at Hy-Vee
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