Monday, April 4, 2011

Bald Eagles

The Raptor Resource Project installed a web cam in an eagle's nest last fall near Decorah, Iowa.  My boys have been telling me about the web cam for a couple of weeks and I finally took time to take a look.  It is definately worth you time to hop on and take a look.  Son #3 said that two eggs have hatched and hopefully the third egg will hatch this week.  When I went on the site one of the adults was setting on the nest and I could not see the babies.

Here's the site:

The resettlement of eagles in northeast Iowa is a real testament to the environment improvements made by farmers and industry over the years.  I saw my first bald eagle fly over our home in 1985.  Now, it is so common place that we hardly even notice unless the eagles actually land in our front yard which has happened more than once.  Twentyfive - 30 years ago pesticides were applied at the rate of pounds per acre or quarts per acre.  In the last 20 years crop protection product rates have greatly decreased.  Today, a lot of crop protection products are applied at ounces per acre and even tenths of ounces per acre.  Plus, the products also breakdown quickly so there isn't residue carrying over year to year.

We have been busy delivering seed to customers the past few weeks.  I'm sure we will be seeing anhydrous amonia applicators rolling today or tomorrow.  Last week we calibrated our applicator.  We calibrate our equipment so we do not over apply our nitrogen.  We also recheck the tractor GPS auto-steer to make sure we avoid overlaps.  By avoiding overlaps we save fuel, nitrogen, time, money, AND it's good for the environment.

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